I am a progressive Christian pastor and counselor who loves animals, the Earth, and healthy eating. I have felt this love since I was a child. I discovered veganism in the early years of pastoring my church. God has a sense of humor because the church where I serve is in a rural farming community centered on animal agriculture. These early years were during the same time my awareness was heightened to the cruelty to animals and degradation to the Earth inherent in animal agriculture.
I thought that once the people learned about a lifestyle that was kind to other sentient beings, to our planet, and to themselves, that this would be an easy sell. It wasn't.
Instead, I often experienced pushback, ridicule, and hostility in my attempts to share what I learned. This was especially disappointing when it came to other Christians who were resistant to veganism. Christians and Christian leaders follow Jesus, the Prince of Peace, the champion of love and compassion. They are also to abide by The Ten Commandments, one of which is against killing. The compartmentalization required to be a Christian eating and using animals is a mighty feat.
There was no going back for me as a Christian vegan; no unlearning what was learned, no unseeing what was seen, no unhearing what was heard. My heart, mind, and worldview were changed.
The incongruence I see in those around me is isolating and unsettling. I long for the companionship of like-minded Christian individuals who share vegan values. I hunger to be among others who are courageously disrupting the status quo. I thirst to be part of a benevolent force bringing peace, love, and compassion to all earthlings, to the Earth, and to ourselves.
I am interested in joining with others who value compassion to all beings and are highly motivated to change the world. As vegans, we're already changing the world. Individually we are powerful, together we are strong, and working through the power of our faith in Jesus we are unstoppable.